
About Us
As you will discover on this site, our Society (and those in other parts of the country) are committed to keeping
alive part of our plant heritage. Auriculas and gold-laced polyanthus are some of the last surviving old-fashioned
Florists’ flowers, tended down the centuries by men and women whose aim was to promote, raise and exhibit new
and improved cultivars.

In the 1700s contests known as ‘Florists’ Feasts’ were held in public houses and halls around the country. Folk would often travel many miles to these affairs carrying with them their latest seedlings for examination by their peers. The prize at that time would often be a copper kettle or other utensil, or a good sum of money. Afterwards
there would be the eating and drinking – generally with some gusto - before the trek home.
These days our NAPS Southern Society shows (with plant sales) take place three times every year and the beautiful displays are always open to the public. There’s also an annual seminar and the occasional workshop for beginners.
Elsewhere on this site you will find much more information including the dates of our shows and events, where to find us, show schedules etc. Just get in touch
You are assured of a warm welcome.