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The annual subscription is £15.00(UK) for single or family membership, overseas £15.00.

Members receive our illustrated Year book and our newsletter - Offsets containing articles on growing and raising Primulas together with their history and cultivation.

Membership also entitles you to free entry to the annual shows see Diary Dates either as an exhibitor or visitor.   

Applications for membership of the NAPS Southern Section where possible should be made using the downloadable forms (here or or by going to our Easy Downloads page.)  


      Return by email to :-

      Alternatively Post to:-

        Julie Robson

        NAPS Southern Society Secretary
        Cosy Cottage
        Fletchwood Lane

        SO40 7DZ


If you have any questions regarding membership please contact us

GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations) Statement

The National Auricula and Primula Society (Southern Section) maintains a membership database held on an Excel spreadsheet on a securely protected computer in the sole charge of our Treasurer. For membership purposes we collect your name, postal address, email and telephone number.
Your personal data will be used to maintain a membership list and to provide information to Members pertaining only to the activities of the Society. Any Member who wishes to check the personal data should contact the Hon. Treasurer, David Brace at

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